
High Power Head Shot Editing

I was approached to update a head shot for a local defense company executive. His current career level CEO and President of a mid-market defense and metal works company located in a rural area of North Carolina. He wanted to make sure his new head shot portrayed himself as leading a company located in a major metropolitan area. Now I just needed to figure out how to do that in a building that was designed in the 1970’s and located…

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Paul Jensen Photography Published in Lincoln Times-News

This image was used in an article promoting the local community theatre. Rock of Ages is an exciting Broadway musical featuring music and costumes from the 1980s. It has been a huge hit and the biggest show to be produced in this area with sold out audiences requiring the theatre to add an additional show to accommodate the crowds. You can read the article here:  ‘Rock of Ages’ opens Friday – Lincoln Times-News _ Lincoln Times-News. I love partnering with…

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